
Processing of industrial mesh data for AR/VR

Funding Period 2018 / Netidee - Project Call #13 / ProjectID: 3511

In order for AR applications to run smoothly on mobile devices (smartphones, data glasses), CAD models must be displayed in a simplified form.

The CADMeshConverter project makes it easier to start developing AR applications:

  • Reduction of development costs
  • No know-how in 3D modelling necessary
  • Support for common data formats - Support for model preparation
  • Establishment of a free solution without limitation
  • open source

To get started read the instructions from the CADMeshConverter repository
The project contains:

  • A REST API that needs to be run on a server and encapsulates the conversion process (swagger)
  • A web application that can be used to test the conversion as well as custom scripts (some scripts are already included)
  • An Android application to demonstrate the functionality